It’s Year End Already?

With the close of the school year, I thought it best to pen down a few thoughts clogged in my mind before magnitude of other things take over and unclog it. It happens more frequently these days than I would have liked. It seems difficult for me to consciously hold on to any finished thought longer than 10 seconds. I blame Internet and its many inherent distractions for this condition. And Korean dramas. And FarmVille 2: Country Escape. And Apple TV.

Just a week before the school closed, we received word from princess’s school that she was not selected for the GEP programme. Although outwardly she did not seem bothered by it, inwardly I know she cared a lot more than she was willing to let on. We had tried to buffer the disappointment right from the day she went for the second round of GEP Selection Test. But there was still no soft landing to be had. She had lofty, and somewhat unrealistic, expectations of herself on this. She will need some time to lick this wound.

This chapter had closed, but to me, it will be the beginning of another journey. The fact that she made it to the Selection Test without any external specialised coaching confirmed what I had feared all the time when bringing up our princess – she has a mind so much brighter than I can ever imagine to be. How can a blind ever be an effective guide?

As said earlier, we are going to be embarking on a new learning journey, enhanced and fortified. Sounds like some milk formula advert. But essentially that is what it is – differentiated learning to be given to a different category of learners. For her, learning cannot be effectively and efficiently done at a conventional level.

So this December holiday will be a busy period for me for a few fronts. On top of coming up with a new learning programme for our princess, we will be packing up and heading over to another new roof over our heads. This moving business is getting tiresome and I hope that we will at least stay longer in the next location. Fingers crossed.
