What Are Colour Pencils Good For Too?

Our little princess and I were sitting down for the daily homework session last night and when I turned to my eyes back to her from my computer, I saw her doing this.

Very gingerly piling up her colour pencils she recevied from her school as Children's Day gift.

I wondered what was she trying to build.

Then she told me it is her Stacked-Up-Tic-Tac-Toe.

Don't get it? Me neither.

Ever so often I find that in my single-mindedness to get things done, I lose sight of the bigger picture. My purpose of doing homework with her is to help her learn, but I forgot that the bigger picture is that learning comes in many forms and most importantly the ambers of interest in learning must be stoked slowly. Ever try building fire for a BBQ with charcoal? The principles are the same.

That little building exercise of colour pencils is learning as well. I remember when I was about her age, I would spend countless hours trying to build pyramids with decks of cards. I suppose this is just one of those sessions.
