Tidbits - Food Blogs

I feel like I'm in the story Alice in the Wonderland at times, but I am not Alice with a big bow ribbon on my head, thank you. Rather I feel as hurried as the harassed looking white bespectacled rabbit who was always looking at the huge antique pocket watch. Well, I guess I'm still groping my way around my almost-2-year career as a working mother. Being able to stir a pot of something or thump a dough these days is almost a luxury.

But I did the least I could do: read food blogs. Here are some of the interesting links I have stumbled into these past weeks.

k How to make better bread by Farmgirl

k Photos of fabulous looking breads by KitchenMage

k Hints and Tips for successful bread making by The Flour Advisory Bureau

k Creative bento boxes at Flickr

k Chinese cooking forum at 美味DIY

k Blog by Queen of cake making - Ms Rose Levy Beranbaum

k Beautiful looking blog with an article on baked doughnuts by 101cookbooks

That's all for now folks!
