Seeing Green

If you do notice the "About Me" section on the right side of this blog, you would see that I have indicated there that I would very much love to have a garden of my own to sprout something edible. Though my new pigeon hole doesn't come with a garden, I am contented with a small planter for now. Now I have new babies sitting in the planter since last Saturday, after an afternoon spent agonising at the nursery over which herb to bring home. Well, it wasn't well worth the effort, actually, since I bought all the varieties of herbs on the rack.

Upon returning home, I quickly made my first harvest. Well, I did spent S$52 on all the herbs, so it makes good business sense to start recouping my investment while they are still alive, right? No point flogging a dead horse. Or so the saying goes.

Now, I have another problem on hand: What to do with all these herbs? But that is a good problem to have. (^.^)

For those of my dear followers out there (sorry, if I start to sound a bit like some cult leader) who tinker with herbs too, I would love to hear all about your dirt-digging experiences. I have done a bit of reading here and there about herbs but as their context are either in US or Europe, I don't find them very helpful.

Sorry for the lack of photos in recent posts. My cammy had been sent to a sitter while I moved house, and I haven't gotten it back yet. But I promise to put up photos of my plants before they die out on me, alright?
