Digging for Pennies

Wondering along the magazine aisle of Cold Storage yesterday afternoon, I happened to spot a copy of the Time Magazine sporting a picture of a barlett pear on its cover. After scanning through the article of Who Needs Organic Food, I put down the magazine and returned the carton of our usual fresh milk which was sitting happily in my grocery cart and picked up an organic carton costing almost 3 times more.

Crazy? Yes, I think the price definitely is but I can live with myself better for giving Princess milk that is free from growth hormones and antibiotics. Ditto for meats. Cold Storage at Great World City offers Free Range beef and pork. For chicken, so far I found the Sakura chicken offered by NTUC to taste reasonably chickeny and pricing affordable. Here's a post from ieatishootipost about the Sakura chickens here.

Now, I have to go dig out the errant pennies from the washing machine and under the sofa to pay for the increased grocery bill.
