The Day of Reckoning

It is finally here.

The day that I have been dreading for so long but yet knew deep down in my bones that it will come regardless.

Self-fulfilling prophecy? Perhaps.

Princess returned yesterday from school to report her score for Higher Chinese written paper she took at the end of last term. Apparently, the test results proved it was a massacre. Three quarters of her classmates flung. Princess barely scraped through with 55%.

I laughed.

And then I winced.

It is finally here, isn't it?

Her next-table neighbour, who failed in the test, commented grudgingly that perhaps he had made a mistake of opting to take Higher Chinese this year. Was it a mistake then for our princess as well?

I think not. There is much more to do and try, for both princess and me, before we throw in the towel and call it a day.

Payback time for me? Definitely.

Argh ...
