Princess Bento #10

Princess brings a lunch box to school every morning. But why haven't you seen that many of them? Well, we had a change of management and the new manager didn't really like to take photos. The previous manager (which is yours sincerely) will only crawl out of bed after 7am, so by then the lunch box had already been packed and bagged.

This morning, I decided to drag myself out of the duvet and crawl into the kitchen to help with the food prep. Hubby was already almost all done and hence I managed to steal a snap before it went into her lunch bag.

Mix grains rice with spring onion omelette, sesame ginger chicken and stir fried greens.

Princess is having Higher Chinese composition writing exam for the first time today and I am just wondering how it will turn out since I had left her to pretty much to her own. This mama has been too lazy. 
