Everyday Favourites - Sayur Loday

Looking for a quick way to add lot of much needed fiber into our diet, we were thinking along the lines of salads, minestrone soup, spring rolls, etc. Just as we were pondering, my mum dropped by my place with Mee Rebus and Mee Hoon Soto from Bedok's Istemewa. This two Malay dishes is always welcome in our place. Hubby lapped up the Mee Rebus and me the other. After licking our bowls clean, I was struck by an epiphany: Nasi Lontong (compressed rice steamed in banana leaf) with Sayur Loday!
I didn't care for commerical Nasi Lontong nor am I going to prepare that from scratch, we decided to forgo that for another time. Sayur Loday is really an easy dish to prepare except for the grinding of the paste and chilli paste. While grinding, I thought to myself that maybe I ought to grind lots of different types of paste at one go and freeze it for later use. Wonder if the paste will lose its potency after freezing?
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