Scratch... scratch

Guess what turned up inside my slow cooker today?

We had braised chicken feet in soy sauce. Yes! Chicken feet! If you are squeamish about chicken feet, then read no further.

Yesterday was grocery shopping day and Hubby as usual dropped by the chicken seller's stall and placed our order. Then he saw some chicken feet and on a whim, the ordered them as well. I thought that maybe I heard him wrongly, but when I saw the seller packing them in, the first thing that came to my mind was "Whoa! It is going to be interesting." (reads: Don't know what will be coming out of the kitchen today).

Flipping through his girlfriend's book and studying it intensely, he then busied himself in the kitchen for a good hour. After that when he was done with the cleaning up, a wonderful smell of braising soy sauce wafted from kitchen.

According to the recipe, the chicken feet must be deep fried before braising, but since hubby was not in the mood to do major cleaning we skipped this step. Though the texture department did suffer slightly due to the lack of chewiness of the deep fried skins, the taste department still scored full marks. My only complain was that the feet was not as tender as those served in the dim sum restaurants. I'll need to make a little notation on the recipe that the cooking time needs to be lengthened.

This is the first time that Hubby took his own initiative to try out something new on his own and, despite my initial skepticism, I must give him credit for making such a valiant attempt at being so "experimental" in the kitchen. Yay!!

PS: Oops, we were too hungry to take photos. (^.^)
