Pan-seared Eggplants Pasta

Watched David Rocco Dolce Vita last night (or was it the night before?) and he made this seriously sinful pasta dish of fried potatoes and fried eggplants tossed with simple tomato sauce. Yes, tossing fried potatoes into your pasta! Sounds weird to me at first, but when I looked at dish when plated, I know there is nothing weird about it.

Here, I took his idea of frying up the eggplants, but pan-seared for my case. The tomato sauce is from the bottle, but I jazzed it up with all the things I can find from my fridge/frezezer. So in went the sliced onions, sliced carrots, diced tomatoe, pan-seared eggplants and frozen cooked chicken (deboned). My little princess had the same thing too, except hers was not tomato sauce based. She has never liked tomato nor cared for tomato sauce, so I made hers with Japanese dashi stock instead and thickened it slightly with starch. But guess what? Right after she finished her lunch and I was having mine, she digged into my pasta as well. Yeah! So we have finally got her to accept tomato sauce pasta. Means we can head to Italy for holidays!
